Thursday, August 23, 2012

An update, a year overdue

So, since I haven't been here in a really long time, I'll stop promising that I'm going to get better at updating this, since I never follow through.  But I will brief you on what's been going on. 

I went back to work at the nightmare company that laid me off for 6 months, and in a very short time, I found myself being appointed manager of the branch of the company that I had started with 16 years ago.  Shortly after that, they announced that they would be liquidating the company, something most of us had seen coming for years, but things were so bad for so long, that we were finally pretty surprised when it actually came to pass. 

As soon as it was announced that this company was closing, a feeding frenzy began with other companies trying to hire all of us that were still with this company, presumably because they wanted the customer base that would follow us and maybe wanted some of the seasoned people that had lots of industry insight. 

So, after all the smoke settled, I'm managing the SAME branch, but it's owned by another company, and I am working with the 2 best of the employees I was working with before.  Which is great.  I'm working 50+ hours a week, but what the hay.  They pay me, supply my vehicle and the gas, and pay my entire family's health insurance.   So I won't complain.  We'll see what happens down the road.  I might get laid off again, I might not.  But it's working for now.