Thursday, February 24, 2011


That's right, SNOW!  In the winter, no less!! 

Yes.  I am being a smartass.  It's just that our local news station has been talking about the snow, the snow, the snow, for about 3 days now.  We got about an inch which melted off before noon today.   I don't mind the snow for me, but I hate that my kids have to drive in it to get to work.  You have to understand that around here, we just don't get much severe weather and this little bit makes people crazy on the road.  People that will be driving around with MY BABIES on the road!  Whew.  Calm down, momma bear.  I feel better now.  

I actually am happy that there's snow on the mountains because I haven't been skiing enough this year.  The thing I don't like about winter is how crappy everything looks in the mud with the dead leaves and ick.  While on my walk today, one of my neighbors had something on their lawn that was either a used pantiliner, or the insole of a ballet shoe, neither of which I am anxious to know the history of. 

On an unrelated note, I am still looking for a job probably not hard enough, but whatever.  I worked at a job I hated for 15 years solid, give me a break.  I have sold some paintings.  As a matter of fact I just sold the one that is on the beginning of this blog, the one with the leaves.  Which I didn't even want to sell, I painted it for the front desk area of my friends' salon.  So I had to paint another very similar one for them to replace it.  I also decided against displaying paintings with the art association for now.  That's a whole other post, though. 

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