Friday, October 24, 2014


So long story short, I'm currently unemployed.   While it was a bit of an ego sting that they basically threw me away like old bathwater, I'm ok with it.  Because it means I get to spend more time doing what I want to do, and not performing like a dancing monkey to someone else's whim.  I won't miss that.  So hopefully I'll be blogging a little more, because I find it therapeutic, but mostly I'll be painting a lot more, studying graphics, and hopefully enjoying life a tad more.  I've had jobs I hated most of my life because that's where my experience was, and I was mostly pigeon holed.  I figured if I was going to work, I might as well make as much money as I can doing it.  And while that still seems like reasonable logic to me, at my age quality of life just seems a little more important.  Of course I have that luxury because my husband makes a good living at his own business.  I realize that I'm very fortunate.  It wasn't always that way, but there has to be some benefit to aging, right?  I'll attempt to post a few photos of recent paintings, but I still haven't figured out if this is the best blogsite for posting pics, so I'll do the best I can. 

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